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Low pressure
Breading air
CNG Series

Electric compressorBattery 12/24 Volt Gasoline Compressor 30 Bar Oil-Less Pumping Units

Compressor Dekaro Belgium

Super Extreme 1 TN18

The line LOW PRESSURE constitutes a basis of high level as regards 0-10BAR pressures up to a maximum of 30 Bar, strictly Oiless, so no oil for lubrication. The materials that make these compressors are technologically advanced, in order to offer great benefits in terms of air flow, reliability and long life of all components assembled to the compressor, minimum maintenance.

- Features: compressors with cast aluminum case; light and compact; unique system of connecting rods for perfect balance; heat treatment of components to extend the life and performance; advanced compression technology, in continuous development; stainless steel valves; tanks painted approved, with handles and wheels for easy transport; reliable electric motors designed and built by Nardi Compressors specific for each model type; Different combinations of engine and engine capacity, visible in pdf product, easily visible in the download.


And 'beautiful, practical, is "Oiless" (works without lubrication) and arrives at a maximum pressure of 30 bar! Only with the most advanced technology we have managed to build an oil-free medium pressure, affordable to anyone! The tank is the lightest in its class, all-aluminum!

Compressor Dekaro Belgium

30 years
designed made & assembled 100% in Italy

We represent NARDI as exclusive agent for Belgium, The Netherlands & Luxembourg
About us: Our company "DEKARO NV" is established in 1985, since then, we have gained a wide range of experience in the international, European and local business and cooperation, dealing with goods and providing a comfortable and profitable business for our customers.

1020 Brussels, Fransmanstraat 25
2800 Mechelen, Hanswijk De Bercht 36
Phone/WhatsApp: +32 4 84 74 84 84
Mail: dekaro.be@gmail.com 
Designed by Kassi Studio