DG Logo dekaro
Low pressure
Breading air
CNG Series

High Pressure
Hookah (Nargilé)


Compressor Dekaro Belgium

Pacific Nitrox
Continuous development, innovative materials and exceptional quality standards make these compressors the best product on the market. The breathable air quality is always our goal, and that's why we design systems that will satisfy even the most demanding requirements. The Nardi Compressors has always been at the forefront of improving air quality.

FEATURES: Reliable, portable or fixed, for every type of condition through the use of special materials of the highest quality.

APPLICATIONS: Breathing air, diving, fire, paintball, military, navy, motorsport.

ACCESSORIES: Condensate drain patented automatic, automatic stop, handles and wheels for easy transport, double outlet pressure air, electronic controls, air quality control directly on line thanks to the new system Nardi: Co, Co2, humidity, temperature, O2 and control of the saturation of the cartridge, ramp cylinder filling with lever taps.
Compressor Dekaro Belgium

30 years
designed made & assembled 100% in Italy

We represent NARDI as exclusive agent for Belgium, The Netherlands & Luxembourg
About us: Our company "DEKARO NV" is established in 1985, since then, we have gained a wide range of experience in the international, European and local business and cooperation, dealing with goods and providing a comfortable and profitable business for our customers.

1020 Brussels, Fransmanstraat 25
2800 Mechelen, Hanswijk De Bercht 36
Phone/WhatsApp: +32 4 84 74 84 84
Mail: dekaro.be@gmail.com 
Designed by Kassi Studio